Your Trusted & Heart-Centered
Estate Planning Counsel


Hurring Desporte Law was established on the bedrock of passion, integrity, and faith, with a deep commitment to family and legacy. We are dedicated to making a meaningful impact on our community, particularly for families in Mississippi. We deliver an exceptional and comprehensive planning experience that addresses all aspects of your needs with personalized care and attention to detail.

Why We’re Different

Explaining how we’re different requires understanding what the “traditional” experience with a lawyer is like. If you’ve worked with a lawyer to prepare estate planning documents in the past, this will sound familiar.

In the traditional experience, you meet with a lawyer who often makes things seem very complicated and confusing. You might have a good sense of whether your lawyer is knowledgeable, so you nod and answer questions as if you understand everything. Wanting to do the right thing for your family, you have the lawyer prepare the documents, sign them, and feel relieved that you’ve taken care of it.

You’ll take your fancy estate planning binder home, stick it on a shelf or in a drawer, mark estate planning off your checklist as DONE, and feel good, never thinking about it again.

You might remember your lawyer mentioning something about moving your bank accounts into your trust. You go to the bank, forget what you were supposed to do, call your lawyer’s office, get a voicemail, leave the bank, and wait for a call back. By the time you receive a response, you’ve gotten busy with other things and never get around to moving that bank account.

A few weeks later, you’ll receive a bill for $67.50 for 15 minutes of your lawyer’s time answering a couple of questions. You’ll make a mental note to avoid calling your lawyer again.

Several years later, you refinance your house or buy a new one, forgetting to inform your lawyer or ensure the title remains in the trust’s name.

As your children grow, your guardianship choices become outdated, but you’re reluctant to call your lawyer because you don’t want another bill.

You hear about changes in tax laws but assume you’ll get a letter from your lawyer if it affects you, so you don’t worry about it. Plus, finding your trust documents means digging through boxes to remember your lawyer’s name and contact information. Who has time for that?

It’s not until you become incapacitated or pass away that your family finds the binder you shelved years ago and realizes your plan is so outdated that it no longer reflects your life, assets, or current laws.

Your family is left in a difficult position. They don’t know where to turn, so they contact the same lawyer who prepared the documents, only to find that the lawyer is now happy to probate your assets, which never made it into the trust.


Because this same scenario happened to a friend of mine, and it happens every day to countless people who put well-intended estate plans in place, only to end up having this exact experience.

Unfortunately, what I discovered is that the estate planning industry was not designed to serve growing families who experience many changes on their way to success. It was designed to serve 80-year-olds who are preparing for the end of life.


We encourage communication with our clients. In fact, we’ve eliminated time clocks so you never have to hesitate to call with a quick question. Everything we do is billed on a flat-fee basis, agreed to in advance, so there are never any surprises.

When you call our office with a quick question, you won’t have to wait days for a response. If you need to schedule a more in-depth legal or strategic call, it will be scheduled at a time that works for both of us, ensuring we make the best use of your time and avoid the back-and-forth of voicemails.

We ensure that the most important details of your planning are addressed and that your plan continues to work effectively throughout your lifetime.

We have a process in place to ensure your assets are properly owned throughout your lifetime, so none of your assets will go through a long, expensive court process or be lost to the state because they were missed after your death.

We’ve created unique membership programs to keep your plan up to date year after year, and to give you access to our expertise for guidance on your legal matters. One day you might need a lawyer. While we don’t know why or when that might be, when you do, you’ll be grateful to have us ready to advise you.


Legacy, Family
Integrity & Collaboration

At Hurring Desporte Law, legacy, family, integrity, and collaboration are not just words; they are the soul of our practice and what we live by. Legacy guides us in crafting enduring legal solutions that provide for and protect future generations. Family drives our commitment to personalized service and empathy in every interaction and estate plan created. Integrity is the cornerstone of our relationship, ensuring transparency and trust in all our endeavors. Collaboration is our commitment to working closely with clients and other professionals over the course of our clients’ lives to achieve comprehensive, tailored solutions. Together, these values define who we are, and how we serve, reinforcing our dedication to making a meaningful difference for every family that steps into our office. 

We Help You Transfer Your Wealth.

We believe that your financial wealth is only a small part of your overall “Family Wealth,” which includes your far more valuable—and often lost upon incapacity or death—intellectual, spiritual, and human assets. These assets define who you are and summarize what’s most important to you. Interestingly, a survey of inheritors revealed that they value inheriting these intangible assets even more than inheriting your money.

Most estate plans focus solely on the transfer of financial wealth to the next generation. Many people have good intentions of passing on intangible assets, but few ever manage to do so. It’s simply not a priority until it’s too late. How much do you know about your grandparents’ values, their most prized personal possessions, their feelings about you, or what they learned during their lifetimes?

If you are like most people, you know very little. That’s why we incorporate these invaluable intangible assets into every estate plan we create. Not only will we help you pass on your money, but also your values, insights, stories, and experiences—the truly valuable assets your loved ones care about the most.

We’ve developed a tool that allows us to capture and pass on your entire family wealth, including your intellectual, spiritual, and human assets. I can’t go into all the details here, but we’ll definitely discuss it when you come in for your Legacy Planning Session –  book your Planning Session here now. 

We look forward to seeing you and caring for your family soon!

P.S. — If you think this sounds expensive, you’re both right and wrong. I can guarantee that this planning is substantially less costly than dealing with the consequences of an ineffective or nonexistent plan if you become incapacitated or die. I’ve never had a single family who valued this kind of planning and wanted to put it in place for their loved ones leave my office due to cost concerns. We offer creative financing options because we believe this planning is the foundation for a successful life!

Mother. Wife.
Lawyer. Counselor.

Brooke Hurring Desporte, ESQ.

Welcome! I am Brooke, a passionate lawyer and mother dedicated to educating and empowering families to plan for their legacy and life with ease. I am so thrilled you have come across Hurring Desporte Law. My estate planning practice focuses on heart-driven counsel and helping families plan for and protect their legacies, futures, and children.  I’m passionate about guiding my clients through the often-confusing task of legal decisions to create plans that ensure the well-being of my clients’ families and the accomplishment of keeping families out of court and conflict. My legal expertise includes value-based planning, family protection, wealth preservation, and creative planning strategies. Whether you are married or single, with a traditional family or blended one, I would love to help you to craft a plan that achieves your goals for your loved ones today.

I am the proud wife of Hunter Desporte and mother of Zealand and Saint. Nothing in the world means more to me than my family, so just like you, I share the desire to provide financial stability, safety, and lasting security for my children. I know what it’s like to be a busy mother, and I know what it’s like to worry about my kids. I also know how deeply challenging and hard it is to lose a loved one. I am familiar with the countless issues families face when their planning isn’t done right or when there was no planning in place at all. I started Hurring Desporte Law for exactly these reasons – to bridge the gap and practice in a new way that truly meets the needs of the families in my community. We are a firm dedicated to educating and empowering you to make important financial and legal decisions while ensuring that your values, insights, stories, and true legacy are passed on for generations to come.


The Paul M. Hebert Law Center, “LSU Law”
Juris Doctor, 2019

The University of Mississippi, “Ole Miss”
Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance, 2015

Activities & Affiliations

Mississippi Bar | Member
Louisiana Bar | Member
Wealth Counsel | Member
American Bar Association | Member 
Personal Family Lawyer®

Schedule A Consultation

Ready to secure your lasting legacy? Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with us today to safeguard your assets and ensure your loved ones’ security. Take the proactive step to protect what matters most—book your consultation now and start crafting a lasting legacy that reflects your care and commitment to those you cherish.