We’re Here to
Help You Carry on Your FamilyLegacy.

Every family is different.

At our firm, we understand that no two families are alike. We know that the definition of family is different for everyone. Whether you’re married, single, in a blended family, or have a “chosen family,” we serve and create plans in a way that best fits you and your specific family needs and safeguard what matters to you most.

Family People

We are all unique. Your childhood experiences differ from those of your best friend, your job duties are distinct, your family situation varies, and the list goes on. This diversity is why estate planning is an individualized process and cannot be accomplished with standardized DIY tools found on the internet.

You may be single, married, have children, or not. The common denominator is that you deeply care about the people in your life and want to make things as easy as possible for them if and when something happens to you.

If our probate courts were not overwhelmed by the complexities of money and family, dealing with your loved one’s estate after their death might seem straightforward. However, if it were simple, there wouldn’t be $58 billion in unclaimed assets in the United States.

Your wealth isn’t measured just by the dollars in the bank, but by the well-being of the people you love. The protection that estate planning offers is for everyone who has anything or anyone important to them.

Single Parents


You have the primary responsibility for ensuring the well-being and care of your children. If something happens to you while they are still minors, it’s crucial to decide who will care for them and how.

Ideally your child's other parent would take custody of your child if you cannot be there. However, in many cases, this may not be possible.

Even if the other parent is suitable, you might prefer that someone else manage the financial resources you leave behind.

Regardless of the situation—whether the other parent is involved or not—you need to take the necessary steps to legally document who should raise your child, how you want them raised, and how you want your assets managed for their benefit in case something happens to you.

We know you are busy and promise to make the process as simple and easy for you as possible.

To get started right away, click here to schedule a call online. You may also call our office at (228) 355-5452 to schedule an appointment. 

In just ten minutes, this FREE website will help you protect your kids if something unthinkable happens before you create your formal estate plan. Think of it as the first step in ensuring your children are raised by the people you choose, in the way you want, no matter what. Click the button below.

Blended Families

If you are in a second (or third or more) marriage and have children from a prior relationship, you need to engage in estate planning to avoid conflicts among the people you love. Regardless of how close or friendly your new spouse and your children are, there is an unavoidable, inherent conflict that can arise upon your death.

That said, this conflict can be mitigated with careful planning, ensuring that both your new spouse and your children are well taken care of with as much ease as possible. You can also take steps to support their cooperation and unity during a time of grief.

Effective planning is essential, and we are skilled in addressing the needs of blended families—those in second (or third or more) marriages with children from previous relationships.

If you are in such a situation, contact us for a Legacy Planning Session. We’ll review everything you own, everyone you love, and plan how your estate will be handled when something happens to you. We will help you become informed, educated, and empowered to make the best planning decisions for your loved ones. 

Married or Single Without Children

You may not have children, but you do have a spouse, partner, or other loved ones, and you want to make things as easy as possible for them when something happens to you. You want to ensure that what you’ve worked so hard for throughout your life is passed on in a way that conveys your love and support when they need it most.

Moreover, it's important to decide who will receive your assets and ensure that your “chosen family” can care for and make decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated. Your wealth isn’t just measured by the dollars in your bank account but by the well-being of the people you love.

By taking the steps to handle your estate planning now, you can prevent your loved ones from facing unnecessary legal battles or conflicts when you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself.

To get started right away, click here to schedule a call online. You may also call our office at (228) 355-5452 to schedule an appointment. 

We look forward to getting to know you and keeping your family out of court and out of conflict.

Married with Children

When you’re married with children, estate planning might seem straightforward. You want your spouse to make decisions for you if you’re incapacitated, ensure your assets go to your spouse when you die, and then to your children after your spouse is gone. Simple, right?

If only it were that easy. Our probate courts are clogged with the complexities of money and family, and there’s $58 billion (with a B) in unclaimed assets in State Departments of Unclaimed Property across the United States.

To keep your family out of court and avoid conflicts in the event of your incapacity or death, you need to answer a myriad of questions and address specific tactical details. Proper planning ensures your assets don’t end up lost to the state because your family overlooks something while you can’t be there to guide them.

If you’re in a second (or third or more) marriage with children from a prior relationship—a “blended family”—the risk of conflict among your loved ones increases if you don’t plan ahead. Remember, your wealth isn’t just about the dollars in your bank account but the well-being of the people you love. You care enough to handle your estate planning now, so your family will stay out of court and avoid conflict, no matter what.

We know you are busy and promise to make the process as simple and easy for you as possible. 

To get started right away, click here to schedule a call online. You may also call our office at (228) 355-5452 to schedule an appointment. 

In just ten minutes, this FREE website will help you protect your kids if something unthinkable happens before you create your formal estate plan. Think of it as the first step in ensuring your children are raised by the people you choose, in the way you want, no matter what. Click the button below.

Life Partners with or without Children

Estate planning is crucial for you, especially if you’re not married but have a life partner. If you have children together, it becomes even more important to get your estate planning right.

The law does not automatically protect your partner if you’re not married. You need to take action to ensure that you’ll have access to your partner’s hospital bedside and that your partner will have access to you if you are hospitalized. Without proper planning the person you love most could be blocked from being with you during an accident, making healthcare decisions on your behalf, or determining your care and who gets to see you.

That’s just for healthcare. Without estate planning your partner could be denied access to your home, excluded from your business, or locked out of your finances. If you have children together, they could even be removed from your partner’s care.

Estate planning for unmarried individuals isn’t optional—it’s a matter of life and death for the people you love most.

To get started right away, click here to schedule a call online. You may also call our office at (228) 355-5452 to schedule an appointment.


We know that no matter the size of your estate, it is critical that you take action to plan for what matters most to you today. Our promise to you is that we will deliver the counsel you need, the legal planning you want, and a relationship you can trust, at a price you can afford.

Let’s Connect Today

Schedule Your Free 15-Minute Phone Call

With our Legacy Planning model we help you confidently make legal decisions and ensure you have a plan in place to keep your loved ones out of court and conflict after you pass away. Schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation to learn more.